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Places I've been

Germany - My life started off in Germany. I was born in a German hospital while my parents were stationed at an army base outside of Rammstein in 1988. My dad was one of the many soldiers that assisted the germans as they tore down the Berlin Wall.

Ireland - My dad was in a bagpipe band when I was in middle school and the group was invited to Macroom, Ireland to take part in their St. Patricks Day parade and luckily my family got to go along with them.

Thailand - This was my first trip out of the country alone. I have traveled through the U.S. by myself plenty of times but this was my first very own excursion. I joined a group called Internationsl Student Volunteers. Where the first 2 weeks of my trip would be spent doing volunteer work that consisted of building a multi village dam and sanitary bathrooms. The second 2 weeks was spent to the usual touristy kinds of activities like snorkaling and visiting temples.

Japan - I studied abroad in Osaka, Japan through the College of Charleston in Spring 2010. While I was there I met my sister and brother in law (during my spring break) who were traveling around the world for 9 months.

Korea - part of my spring break was a 3 day trip to Korea with 3 of my friends who stayed in the same dorm as me in Japan.

Places I want to go...
-Anywhere in China both city and rural
-Germany (now that i'm old enough to remember it!)